Day 3:
This is what was written on the flip charts to guide the groups as they used the tools.


Organizing tasks and activities ("what do you have to do next?")


The signs along the trail that tell you that you are headed in the direction of your goal

  1. smiles, see the smart building, hear the whistle blow (kids playing sports), participation, interest, machinery, keyboard sound, laughter by elders;
  2. HEAR: laughing, telephone ringing, less pessimism, native language, childrens' voices, TASTE: healthy food, wild food; SMELL: no outhouses, no pollution; TOUCH: SEE: prosperity (skidoos), people getting along, unspoiled environment, TOUCH: more materialistic items to use for positive growth
  3. SEE: community members discussing technology, construction of buildings and roads, more employed people TASTE: food from new restaurant, SMELL: fuel, smoke and sawdust from sawmill HEAR: hum of heavy equipment; computer keys clicking; TOUCH: computer keyboarding; dreams becoming reality; telehealth replaces touch

    what if someone from Industry Canada came down and gave you indicators, would they be the same?
    You could end up with a menu of indicators that mean something to the people in the community