Community Engagement


Describe your community's current economic, social and cultural development challenges and priorities (include a socio-economic profile of your community).

Keewaytinook Okimakanak First Nations are members of Nishnawbe-Aski Nation (NAN). They are small, remote, fly-in communities that have struggled for decades with the practical consequences of institutionalized isolation. Hospital and high school access require air travel - with the exception of a 10 week period when 4x4 vehicles can travel along a winter road. The average population base in each community is about 400 residents, with a combined population of 2200. Most homes are within walking distance of local services such as education, health and administration buildings. Communities share demographic characteristics. Almost 25 percent of the total population are younger than age 10. An additional 25 percent are between the ages of 10 and 19 years of age. Fewer than four percent of the total population is age 60 or older. Approximately 36 percent of the adult population is unemployed or is receiving some form of social assistance. High school completion rates are low, particularly for those 45 years of age or older. All of the communities are located in resource rich areas. Forestry and mining activities are rapidly expanding in to traditional territories and tourism is a seasonal mainstay for the area.

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