Project Description
General Information
- Project Description -
Community Engagement
Smart Services
Smart Results
Community Engagement
Describe your experience in engaging the community in initiatives of similar size, scope and nature.
Describe your community's current economic, social and cultural development challenges and priorities (include a socio-economic profile of your community).
Identify who you have consulted, and in what capacity, to assess your needs and to identify your priorities, and outline the results of these consultations.
Specify how you plan to ensure that all members of your community are kept informed about, and engaged in, the project, including how you will ensure community-wide public access.
Smart Services
Outline your proposed Smart services and identify which community needs they will address.
Explain how proposed Smart services build upon existing services provided through community networks and upon existing on-line government services.
Describe the current technological capacity of your community, including any existing Smart services, how they are delivered (i.e. technical infrastructure) and their coverage (i.e. percentage penetration)
Describe the extent to which schools, libraries, government offices, the business community and the general population are, or will be, connected to the Internet.
Specify what kind of new infrastructure is required to support your proposed Smart services.
Discuss how your organization will ensure efficient deployment of the enhanced infrastructure.
Describe your community's past experience in establishing and sustaining effective public/private sector partnerships.
Provide an overview of how this demonstration project will be both governed and managed.
Provide a list of the key members of the demonstration project team and summarize their relevant experience, interests, roles and responsibilities, and nature of involvement (e.g. staff or volunteer). Describe how you will work in partnership with others to implement this demonstration project.
Outline your plans for long-term sustainability.
Smart Results
Describe how information and communication technologies have benefitted your community to date (e.g. specify measurable changes in the way people live, work and play).
Describe how this demonstration project will benefit your community in terms of economic, social and cultural development, and technological advancement.
Outline the potential national and international market opportunities that your demonstration project will create for Canadian-made technologies.
Outline how you plan to measure progress throughout the course of the demonstration project. Identify key indicators that will show you are making progress towards achieving your vision.