25. Institute
of Indigenous Government - John Rowlandson (July 27)
worked closely with these communities during the community
consultation phase of the Broadband Networking study. That
experience demonstrated a local commitment to using information
technology to introduce significant changes in community life.
It also pointed up K-Net's unique capacity to mange community-directed
telecommunications projects and to deliver communications
and support services."
26. Assembly
of First Nations - Mike Maier, Systems Administrator (July 27)
Assembly of First Nations is very interested in projects such
as the Keewaytinook Okimakanak proposal because it will provide
valuable information that will assist other First Nation communities
in the establishment of new technologies. We look forwarding
to providing Keewaytinook Okimakanak with technical advice
over the life of this project."
27. Fort
Severn Band Members ...
and Council:
"It is a service our employees use frequently. Especially
e- mail or any information we may require. It open doorways
for communication between First Nations communities or any
large centres."
"As a new K-Net and Internet user, I am learning to use this
technology to further my education and learning. So far, I
have discovered a wealth of learning material and any kind
of information I need at the tip of my fingers.... Our community
is very isolated and to be able to visit places through this
technology is very educational."
"Students would benefit greatly from it on things such as
school projects. ... it would provide a cheaper way of keeping
in touch with friends and family in other places through chat
lines and e-mail."
"We have been enjoying the benefits of using K-Net and the
Internet. It's helped with the local businesses, organizations
and people as well. ... Thanks to technology it is possible
to see the same services provided in our community as to the
ones in urban places. We would like to see videoconferencing
in our businesses and organizations."
"When this technology was first introduced to the community,
it immediately had a tremendous response. Internet has become
part of an everyday tool to further educate the staff in their
field of work. Internet has been used for community growth
in business, education and keeping in touch with family. A
community that is so isolated and remote there are endless
advantages to having K-Net and Internet. The youth in this
community are given better chances to explore the outside
world in terms of career decision making."
"It is important to have a Community Access Centre in a remote
community. It gives everyone a chance to use the computers
to log on K-Net, the Internet, or use the other programs.
At our Community Access Centre there are people who can help
others who are not familiar with using these programs."
"Internet access is beneficial to students at the Wasaho School
since they do not have a library at the school. They can get
the research they need from the Internet. They have a wealth
of information at their finger tips."
28. McDowell
Lake Band Members ...
"McDowell Lake First Nation band members are now enjoying
the benefits of having an Internet Access site where we can
all go to use this new communication service. ... We want
to continue to work with K- Net Services to develop our telecommunication
infrastructure so additional services such as telehealth,
video conferencing, and other broadband applications can be
provided in our community."
Lawson, Reuben James, Conrad Lawson:
"The Community Access Program provides basic computer training
valuable in today's world and introduces the Internet to McDowell
Lake First Nation community members. It introduces the Internet
as a source of information, resources, services and is a viable
opportunity for entrepreneurship."
29. Poplar
Hill Band members
"The Internet and the improved telecommunication services
in our community will help to reduce the isolation factor
for all ..."
"For the past year I have been using the Internet to get information
on medical, places, countries, people, movies and the world
news which we don't get daily. It has been helpful sending
e-mail messages ..."
30. North
Spirit Lake
members letters to follow