Provide a list of
the key members of the demonstration project team and summarize
their relevant experience, interests, roles and responsibilities,
and nature of involvement (e.g. staff or volunteer). Describe
how you will work in partnership with others to implement this
demonstration project.
The Project Management
Team will consist of Brian Beaton (Project Leader), Darlene Rae
(Human Resources and Training), Dan Pellerin (Infrastructure and
Applications) George Kakekaspan (Awareness and Consultation),
Penny Carpenter (Finance), and Geordie Kakepetum (Accountability).
Brian Beaton is the Manager of KNET Services and will oversee
all aspects of the project. Darlene Rae is the Manager of KNET
Programs, Darlene will ensure that community-based workers are
engaged, trained, and supported. Dan Pellerin is KNET's Network
Administrator. Dan will work with technology partners to coordinate
technology deployment, maintenance, and repair. Penny Carpenter
is the Chief Financial Officer of Keewaytinook Okimakanak. Penny
will manage project finances. George Kakekaspan is the Chief of
the Fort Severn First Nation. George will coordinate community
awareness and assessment. Geordie Kakepetum is the Executive Director
of Keewaytinook Okimakanak. Geordie will ensure that project outcomes
meet community needs.