Working SMART in the New Millennium
Building Community Controlled Telecommunications Services in Keewaytinook Okimakanak First Nations
Wednesday, November 10th - Morning


Moses Kakekaspan opened our day with a prayer. It looked like everyone had a good sleep and was ready to enter the telecom language jungle again. To help us understand the process we were undertaking, Ricardo showed us pictures of similar work that was done in other countries.
This morning we learned a new way to express our worries, concerns, anxieties, and dreams about community telecommunications. Ricardo talked about ways to share our understanding of telecom issues by drawing links between different people in our communities and activities and technologies that support the things that people do. He called this a spray diagram.
The spray diagram was described as a way to get ideas out quickly - like having a "faucet" on your head. The rules for creating these diagrams are documented in "DAY 2 DIRECTIONS".
We got together in three groups and started to learn this new method. The spray diagrams were fun and filled with friendly disagreements and good questions.
The central theme for each group was a challenge and then adding links became easier and easier as everyone started "spraying" their ideas with their own coloured marker.
The bright sunlight sure added to the energy felt in the room.

Just before lunch we posted our diagrams on the walls and shared ideas about what we came up with.

The "Community" and the people was a central theme for each of the groups.
As with any groups, the directions and ideas varied considerably.
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