Brian is the
Project Leader of Keewaytinook Okimakanak's Kuh-ke-nah SMART First
Nations demonstration project
The K-Net program began in 1994 under the direction and vision of
the First Nation Chiefs.
Brian oversees
community and regional network planning and implementation activities;
financial, project and personnel management; and liaison efforts
with all sectors. He is a director of the 807-Network Community-based
Network (CBN) in Thunder Bay. In January 2001 he was asked to sit
on the National Broadband Task Force which was tasked with mapping
out a strategy to deliver broadband services to every community
in Canada by 2004.
His background
involves a number of community development, system-management, and
wide area team-building initiatives. His applied experience implementing
both Contact North and the Wahsa Distance Education
High School highlight his personal commitment to community-driven
delivery strategies and outcomes-based approaches to project leadership.
Brian has an intensive and concrete knowledge of community needs
and issues and has worked extensively with local and regional stakeholders
to design and implement appropriate First Nation driven telecommunications
partnerships and solutions.