E-Centre Workplans

On Thursday November 29th. we gathered with the E-Centre staff to review the expectations (from the cards on the wall) and services demanded by the different sectors in the community (from the spray diagrams).

The list of services required from the community is vast.


Organization Services


Community Services

More computers

Webpage Design

Computer Applications

Elder Services (VC, etc.)



Basic Computer

Health services

Video Conferencing Units


Webpage design

Consulting-Service support




List serve


Consulting-Service support

Video Conference Training

e-mail accts.


Technical support

On-line training…..

Physical & Health Awareness


Computer Instructor in school

Network training

FN oriented


List serve

 College & university programming

Elder Centre


Setting up-mail accts.

FN oriented

Job security


First Nations Oriented



Job Security


Coordination of the pc lab


We encouraged the E-Centre staff to think about the support and training they need to provide the services:

  • Facility—need more space
  • Discussion forum-Deer Lake
  • Discussion forum-KO
  • More equipment on an organizational level.
  • Budgets information (how to…)
  • SMART vehicle
  • Assessment tools
  • Lists of on-line training tools that people need/like.
  • Office supplies (pens, etc.)
  • Desks
  • Filing cabinets
  • Shelves
  • Software—audio character recognition, visual basic, Office 2000

We prepared a framework to help the E-Centre staff prepare a work plan:


Who pays/How much

For whom





We added the “who pays/how much” column and suggested SMART begin by sponsoring most services/training In future, the E-Centre may begin charging for some of the services and start a revenue stream.

We agreed to work towards a four-month training programme, and then to review how it progressed and make improvements. We will need to ensure that the monitoring column includes indicators that will respond to E-Centre goals, and to the extent possible, to those in the results-based management framework.  The E-Centre staff will be working on preparing the work plan in the coming weeks as a first priority.


We need to keep regular communication with E-Centre managers to support them and encourage them to keep recording people’s impressions, especially on video.

E-Centre managers are encouraged to share this report with those people who were missing from each workshop session and invite their inputs.