The Deer Lake First Nation people, Keewaytinook
Okimakanak staff, and partners Telecommons
Development Group held a series of workshops dealing with how
the community can incorperate the Smart project into the long term
goals of the community.
We opened the conference with an opening
prayer and asked the Creator to bless our time together and to give
us the wisdom to learn from each other this week.
Prior to the workshops being held, a meeting
with the community people was held discussing the agenda
for the week, the progression of the Smart project and a presentation
of the 2000 and 2001 community telecom
survey results.
We held one day workshops for each of the
following areas in Deer Lake:
After the workshops were over, a review
and summary of the workshops was done between the Workshop Facilitators,
DeerLake e-Center staff, and KO staff. See the E-Center
Workplans generated from these results.
You can see photo albums of the whole week
in the Pictures section.
Band Office information from Deer Lake can
be viewed here