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Alexis OwenAlexis Owen, Multi-media Producer
Poplar Hill First Nation Alexis Owen is a Poplar Hill First Nation band member who has been using information and communications technologies (ICTs) for three years. As the Multi-media Producer, she updates Poplar Hill’s website,, reports on events in the community by taking photos and writing articles about the event, and posts those photos and articles onto the website. Working to develop more community involvement in the E-Centre and the ICTs and developing more support for ICT usage in the community are the two priorities that motivate Alexis' work each day. For the past one-and-a-half months she has worked hard to learn the different aspects of her job, such as updating the website and helping people to update their home pages. "We provide Internet services for community members of all ages," Owen said. Her goal is to continue creating more awareness among community members about ICTs and to continue encouraging more community involvement in the usage of ICTs. You can reach Alexis at the Poplar Hill E-Centre (807 772-1029) or by e-mail at |
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