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Angus Miles
Fort Severn First Nation Angus Miles is a Fort Severn First Nation band member who has been using information and communications technologies (ICTs) for five years. As the E-Centre’s Community Technician, he maintains the E-Centre’s network of computers and connections, expanding the network whenever required. Keeping the network stable, because the band’s employees and members depend on it daily for business and communication, and providing a quality level of service for the users of the network are the two priorities that motivate Angus' work each day. For the past three years he has worked hard to learn about the intricacies of the network and computers in general, in order to be more efficient when troubleshooting is required. "It’s a very important tool in the community now, so I try to provide a quality level of service to the community," Miles said, explaining that he is also kept very busy repairing computers throughout the community. Miles plans to keep improving the services available from the E-Centre. You can reach Angus at the Fort Severn E-Centre (807 478-1171) or by e-mail at |
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