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Arnold ThompsonNorth Spirit Lake First Nation Arnold Thompson is a North Spirit Lake First Nation band member who has been using information and communications technologies (ICTs) for two and a half years. As the E-Centre’s Multi-media Producer, he gathers information about the community, "like a reporter," such as community events and items of interest to the community, and he also helps people in the community with their home pages. Keeping the community website,, updated on a regular basis and gathering news and photos from the community are the two priorities that motivate Arnold's work each day. For the past two and a half years he has worked hard to keep everybody, both in and out of the community, informed on what is happening in North Spirit Lake. "I go around the community taking pictures of events and gathering news to put on the website," Thompson said, explaining that many band members who now live outside the community, such as North Spirit Lake’s many students who are attending school, check in for news from the community. Mason also teaches html to community members who are building their own homepages. You can reach Arnold at the North Spirit Lake E-Centre (807 776-0141) or by e-mail at |
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