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Cal KennyKO Sioux Lookout Cal Kenny is a Lac Seul First Nation band member who has been using information and communications technologies (ICTs) for three and a half years. As the Graphic Designer, he designs web pages for K-Net and other businesses/organizations under contract with K-Net and maintains the main K-Net website. Developing a wider variety of information for the K-Net website, such as the Fort Severn videos, and better graphics for all of the web pages that he works on are the two priorities that motivate Cal’s work each day. For the past three years he has worked hard to continue updating the graphics and information on K-Net’s websites, such as and other conference websites that are set up for K-Net’s many conferences. "Over the past two months, I’ve been working on the Fort Severn videos," Kenny said, explaining that he has been editing and digitizing the footage and developing graphics for the on-line presentation of the videos. Kenny’s future goal is to provide support for web page design and maintenance to people who are building their own websites. You can reach Cal at the KO Sioux Lookout (807 737-1135) or by e-mail at |
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