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Carl Seibel
Industry Canada/FedNor K-Net has a passion for making information technology available and useful to First Nations. It builds infrastructure and services on the latest technology at affordable prices and shares these with its neighbours at cost. KNet's success attracts funding to launch state of the art services such as the current 24 community Telehealth initiative ($6 million over 3 years). FedNor has contributed more than $10 million over six years to information technology infrastructure and services for remote First Nations in northern Ontario due to consistent success of these projects. FedNor monitors three large K-Net initiatives; the Smart Communities project, delivery of First Nations SchoolNet programs services to First Nations schools in Ontario, and the deployment of C Band public benefit satellite bandwidth to remote communities across Canada. K-Net is also delivering several other information technology projects with FedNor support, including the 24 community Telehealth initiative. K-Net is a key advisor to FedNor on information technology issues and priorities, and K-Net’s involvement in a project increases FedNor's confidence in the project, allowing FedNor to take calculated risks deploying complicated technology in remote communities. |
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