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Darlene RaeNorth Spirit Lake First Nation Darlene Rae is a North Spirit Lake First Nation band member who has been using information and communications technologies (ICTs) for seven to eight years. As the E-Centre Manager, she maintains the E-Centre’s network, teaches community members about the ICTs, and helps out with any repairs or installations in the community. Taking care of any problems on the home pages and the G8 school program as well as well as managing North Spirit Lake’s E-Centre are the two priorities that motivate Darlene's work each day. For the past three years she has learned how to troubleshoot and repair a variety of hardware problems and arranged for a permanent space for the E-Centre. "Passing on what I have learned about ICTs to others in the community and encouraging more community members to learn about what computers and ICTs can do for them," Rae said, is how she creates awareness in the community of the possibilities available through the Internet. Rae’s goal is to improve the operations at the E-Centre, possibly in partnership with the library. You can reach Darlene at the North Spirit Lake E-Centre (807 776-0141) or by e-mail at |
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