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Darrin PotterKO Balmertown Darrin Potter has been using information and communications technologies (ICTs) for seven years. As the KIHS Principal, he manages the school on a daily basis, checks in with the community classrooms to ensure that each has connectivity and is operating smoothly, and communicates with staff or students using e-mail, telephones, or occasionally, videoconferencing. Developing the school’s program to its potential in order to give the most productive results to the students and working with INAC and the Ministry of Education to ensure adequate funding will be in place for their future are the two priorities that motivate Darrin's work each day. For the past two years he has increased his Internet education skills and worked with governments, organizations and the communities to improve KIHS’ program. "I coordinate the efforts of our staff and community leaders to deliver an effective program using all the experience and technology available," Potter said, explaining that the program enriches the students education, encouraging their success in whichever path they choose to follow. Potter’s goal is to help make programs like KIHS available throughout the north and to further develop the programs so that students will be able to receive the OSSD (Ontario High School Diploma.) You can reach Darrin at KO Balmertown (807 735-1381) or by e-mail at |
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