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Geordi KakepetumKO Balmertown Geordi Kakepetum is a Keewaywin First Nation band member who has been using information and communications technologies (ICTs) for seven years. As the KO’s Executive Director, he acts as a liaison between Keewaytinook Okimakanak (KO) and the KO communities to provide advice in education, health and other areas that the communities require. Ensuring that KO continues to meet its objectives on an ongoing basis and ensuring that a good working environment is provided for all of its staff members are the two priorities that motivate Geordi's work each day. For the past 13 years he has worked hard to accomplish many goals for the KO communities, such as developing good working relationships with area municipalities and companies and improving ICT access in the communities. "My job is to ensure that the goals and objectives of the organization and its programs are achieved," Kakepetum said, explaining that he oversees all the areas of the organization and its programs but leaves the management of each area to the managers. Kakepetum’s goal for the future of KO is to continue expanding its ICT usage, one example being the IP phone system that KO is currently installing in its communities. You can reach Geordi at the KO Balmertown(807 735-1381) or by e-mail at |
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