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John MoreauKO Sioux Lookout John Moreau has been using information and communications technologies (ICTs) for ten years. As the Sioux Lookout Technician, he provides Helpdesk services and support for the Sioux Lookout area and the northern communities, including any problems or questions people have about the different ICT tools available on K-Net’s websites. Supporting the network and the community as required and creating and installing an IP Telephony network throughout the KO communities and into other communities without a reasonable telephone service are the two priorities that motivate John's work each day. For the past seven or eight years he has built and installed remote satellite systems throughout the north to provide communication services to those communities. "Continuing on with the support and development of ICTs and the IP Telephony system throughout the communities we serve and expanding into other communities," Moreau said, is his main goal for the future. Moreau noted that the IP telephones operate over the Internet instead of over telephone lines, which means that any community with Internet connections can use them. You can reach John at the KO Sioux Lookout (807 737-1135) or by e-mail at |
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