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Kevin HoughtonKO Balmertown Kevin Houghton has been using information and communications technologies (ICTs) for seven years. As the Program Manager, Telehealth, he manages the day-to-day activities in KO’s Telehealth program, which is working to expand Telehealth services to 17 more communities in the Sioux Lookout Zone. Implementing and expanding health services in the communities and providing a clear and transparent community model for expanding into new communities are the two priorities that motivate Kevin's work each day. For the past year he has worked hard to design a roll-out plan for expanding Telehealth into new communities and to access the necessary funds for Telehealth’s operating component, capital component, and connectivity component. "KO Telehealth has reached its goals over the past year to build a sustainability model for two-and-a-half years," Houghton said, explaining that he enjoys the challenge of promoting and enhancing technical advances in the communities where they’re considered beneficial by the community members. Houghton’s goal is to build Telehealth into the Health Canada funding model for long term sustainability. You can reach Kevin at the KO Balmertown (807 735-1381) or by e-mail at |
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