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Margaret Lawson
KO Balmertown Margaret Lawson is a McDowell Lake First Nation band member who has been using information and communications technologies (ICTs) for five years. As the McDowell Lake Technician, she works in a variety of capacities, from holding training programs to maintaining computers to setting up videoconference sessions. Helping people with their computer problems, either in the Balmertown office or in the communities, and providing Oji-Cree language instruction and services for workshops or video conference sessions are the two priorities that motivate Margaret's work each day. For the past four years she has worked hard to provide assistance to community members who are having computer problems. "I think it’s very important that we continue to pass on the ICT skills," Lawson said, explaining that although there are many people learning the ICT tools, many more still need assistance to acquire the skills needed to use ICTs. Lawson’s goal is to continue to provide support to those community members whop need help learning ICTs. You can reach Margaret at KO Balmertown (807 735-1381) or by e-mail at |
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