SMART First Nations

Deer Lake

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Oscar Meekis
Deer Lake First Nation Oscar Meekis is a Deer Lake First Nation band member who has been using information and communications technologies (ICTs) for three years. As the E-Centre Manager, he maintains the E-Centre’s public access site for people in the community who use the computers and SMART tools and promotes workshops and other on-line activities that happen in the community. Getting people involved in using the E-Centre’s computers and SMART tools and increasing the number of ICT users in the community are the two priorities that motivate Oscar's work each day. For the past two and a half years he has increased the number of people in the community who are using the E-Centre and ICTs in general. "Introducing the new technologies to the community, such as using videoconferencing not just for meetings but also for social gatherings to build bridges between the different communities," Meekis said, explaining that students in far off schools can use videoconferencing to interact with family and friends who live in Deer Lake. Meekis’ goal is to continue introducing technology to the community and to make it easier for businesses in the community to communicate with outside businesses. You can reach Oscar at the Deer Lake E-Centre (807 775-9473) or by e-mail at |
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