SMART First Nations

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Robert Hunter
KO Balmertown Robert Hunter is a Weenusk First Nation band member who has been using information and communications technologies (ICTs) for two years. As the GIS/Database Coordinator, he develops community site plans/maps for each of the KO communities, winter road maps, architectural drawings, and house plans. Producing readable and easy to understand community maps and providing architectural services to the communities are the two priorities that motivate Robert's work each day. For the past two years he has used ArcView software to produce community site maps that show the location of roads, paths, homes and buildings within each community and to develop the community’s traditional land use maps, which show the traditional trapping and hunting areas as well as canoe routes. "I like doing the GIS work," Hunter said, explaining that he is continuing to develop the GIS program in order to produce community maps under the SMART Project. Hunter’s goal is to continue producing community maps while also doing more architectural drafting for buildings in the communities. You can reach Robert at KO Balmertown (807 735-1381) or by e-mail at |
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