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Stephen ZussinoKO Balmertown Stephen Zussino has been using information and communications technologies (ICTs) for eight years. As the Programmer Analyst, he develops many of K-Net’s website applications, such as training tools used by KIHS and the community maps showing traditional areas used by each band that will soon be posted on K-Net’s website. Developing tools for the community websites to use to build better sites and posting the community maps on K-Net’s website are the two priorities that motivate Stephen's work each day. For the past 18 months he has helped to develop the training server that KIHS and the G8 course use as a platform for offering their on-line courses. "I help to develop tools and applications to meet the current needs of the communities," Zussino said, explaining that the current tools he has developed allow people to participate in training sessions and take school courses on-line. Zussino’s goal is to encourage community members to take the initiative towards learning how to develop on-line tools so that he could step back and train them. You can reach Stephen at the KO Balmertown (807 735-1381) or by e-mail at |
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