SMART First Nations

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WebinarWebinars, also known as web seminars, are live/real-time sessions that are presented via the Web and the telephone. The live audio is heard over the telephone while the presentation is shown on your computer over the Internet. You can ask the presenter questions online in the live chat section or over the telephone.
To save on phone lines we ask that you use a speakerphone and include as many people as your meeting room can hold. Include your entire team at once without leaving your office or community! To participate in our live webinar sessions, you need a standard phone line, a 28.8 Internet connection (as a minimum internet connection) and a Java-enabled browser such as Netscape Navigator (Netscape 7 is not currently certified) OR Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.X or higher. All the live sessions are being recorded so others can watch these presentations at a later date from the Webinar archives. |
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